Number Sense and Decomposition of Numbers!

Hi Friends… I hope this post finds you all well.

I wanted to share a little bit about how we go about digging deep into number sense in our 2nd grade classroom and the beginnings of decomposition of numbers.  Just a side note… I have been teaching second grade for 22 years straight!…I know….right!  It's a long time in one grade, but I couldn't imagine teaching another grade level.  Every year I do everything in my power to change things up and add new ideas and activities to keep everything fresh and to keep MYSELF from becoming bored!

Anywho… a few years ago, we adopted Primary Mathematics which is a Singapore Math program.  This program adoption was a pretty big leap for us in terms of the way we taught mathematics for years in our school.  Most of the concepts and skills are the same, but we REALLY dig much deeper into understanding what makes up a number and how to decompose numbers.

I always begin the year with my Story Of Booklets.  I created these booklets to help my students understand fact families up to 10 and the concept of a number bond and the part, part, whole relationship using the number bonds.  We use our magnetic ten frames and counters to help us with this skill.  Here are some images of my students working on Parts of 10.  I always start with the Story of 5 and work my way up to the Story of 10.  These booklets are a perfect way to begin the year and to help your students gain a strong understanding of fact families and decomposing numbers.

This year I had some little ones who really needed more intensive instruction on what makes up a number and next year I am going to have a similar population of students with needs as well.  So I decided I needed to create something on a little bit of a lower level for my Guided Math groups to work on each specific number up to 20.  Since I use Interactive Notebooks in my classroom, I knew I wanted to create something that they could refer back to throughout the year that could be a resource for them to use!  I just created my Number Sense Flip Flap Biggies for my interactive notebooks.

These interactive notebook Number Sense Biggies will give my students a stronger grasp on number sense so when we go deeper into decomposing numbers, they will have a better grasp of the material.  I plan on using these with my struggling math students the first two to three weeks of school during my Guided Math groups.  These Flip Flap Biggies would also work extremely well in your kindergarten and first grade classrooms as well.  My little ones will practice writing the numbers {so they aren't backwards anymore}, writing the number word, practice subitizing, writing number sentences or equations, and using a number line.

These activities are just the beginning to help my students truly understand the concept of decomposing numbers!  In about a month and half after we dig deep into numbers…my students begin doing this….

and that = a HAPPY TEACHER!

If you are interesting in checking out any of my number sense resources, click the links below.

decomposing numbers

Thanks for stopping by :)


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