Learning the RULES can be F.U.N.!

Hi Friends... Thanks so much for stopping by today! I am so excited because I am in the midst of my summer vacation and I don't start school until September 2nd!  Can I get a WOOT-WOOT!!!

Even though I am on summer break, I LOVE using my time to "THINK" about school and create new activities and lessons that I will use in my classroom with my students.

One of the MOST IMPORTANT things that I work on with my students is creating and learning the rules of the classroom!  This is something we review all of the time and even refer back to our Behavior Anchor Chart throughout the year.

On the first day of school, I read the story called Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes.  It is one of my favorites to read to my class.

After I read the story to them, we always brainstorm ideas of how our classroom can stay safe, fun, and happy for everyone in it.  And so begins the creation of our Classroom Rules!  I allow my students to create the rules and I ensure that I word them in a positive way.  For example, we might write....Share with your friends... Work quietly.... Raise your hand to speak, etc.  I never word them with negative words like... Don't talk during independent work....or  Don't kick or hit your friends, etc.  We also state our rules in a positive way!  I am always looking for a FUN way to have my students learn and write about the new classroom rules that we will be following throughout the year...and of course..it is going to be done using a flip flap book!  This will be the first one my students do on the first day of school!  I can't wait to show it to them...well..maybe I can wait a bit longer :)  LOL

Here is a tiny peek to what's in store for your little ones as they work through my
School Rules Flip Flap Book!

So....if you are getting ready to go back to school or are just "THINKING" about school, take a peek at my School Rules Flip Flap Book to add a little fun to your Rule Making Mojo :)

Thanks for stopping by!

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